Almost everyone has had neck pain. They can appear not only in adults, but also in children. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you must first find out why the neck hurts and, based on this, fix the problem. As this can be a symptom of a more serious disease, and not just pain, it is important to see a doctor in time.
Causes of neck pain
Neck discomfort is one of the most common ailments of patients. There are many reasons why cervical spine pain can be recorded, but they are all divided into several groups:
- Non-specific factors. The reason for the appearance of pain in the neck and back of the head can be a long stay in one position, overexertion, repetition of the same type of movements, hypothermia, excess weight, stress. They can also appear after a night's sleep in the wrong position or on an uncomfortable mattress or pillow. Such pains can be harmless enough.
- Damage to the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joints, ligaments. Neck pain can be the result of degenerative-dystrophic diseases. The most common pathologies in this group are osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylolisthesis, stenosis and hernia.
- Pathology of the internal organs. Anterior pain often occurs due to thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland). This pain is aggravated by any impact on the neck. Inflammation of the salivary gland, tooth decay, tonsillitis, damage to the larynx and trachea can also cause neck pain.
- Tumors. Neoplasms can cause severe neck pain. They are quite long. If the discomfort does not stop, you should see a doctor immediately.
- Injuries and other mechanical damage. Another reason why the spine in the neck hurts is an injury. Even a small blow can cause damage to the cervical spine. When affected, the vertebrae can be displaced. If they are not placed in a timely manner, the patient will complain that the neck hurts in front, right or left for no apparent reason.
- Inflammatory processes. Pain can appear due to arthritis, lupus, spondyloarthritis, and Sharp's syndrome. Sometimes the inflammation occurs with pain due to ankylosing spondylitis.
- Muscle corset pathologies. Trigger points, small lumps in the neck, appear when the shoulder and neck muscles are spasmodic.
- Infectious diseases. These conditions usually include tuberculosis, meningitis, shingles, and osteomyelitis.
- Consequences of the operation.
Symptoms of conditions that cause shoulder and neck pain may not appear for years or be present all the time. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular examinations in medical institutions.
There are causes of neck pain that only affect children. If a child's neck hurts, it is usually a very serious disease. These include stiff neck, tetanus, mumps, polio, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
To find out the cause of the discomfort, if the cervical spine hurts, it is important to consult a specialist as soon as the first symptoms appear. Your therapist or pediatrician will refer you to a narrower specialist after an initial exam and based on the nature of the pain.
Most often, they are referred to a neurologist or chiropractor. If aching neck pain is the cause of mechanical damage, a referral to a traumatologist is sent. For neck pain or stiff neck in children, they may be referred to an orthopedist. They are referred to a cardiologist if they are concerned about left neck pain, but there are no problems with the functioning of the arms and legs. An otolaryngologist should be asked for help when pulling neck pain occurs and it is suspected that the cause may be a sore throat or inflammation of the lymph nodes.

To determine the origin of neck pain in the front, back, right or left, the doctor first palpates. Based on the results of this examination, the specialist decides which diagnosis to make and prescribes treatment.
When pain occurs when nodding the head, bending back and forth, this indicates damage to the first vertebra. If you experience discomfort when bending to the sides or turning your neck, the problem is most likely in the second vertebra.
If the patient is concerned about severe pain in the cervical spine, an experienced specialist can easily determine the cause. Since the focus of pain may be far from the site of manifestation, even when the throbbing pain in the left neck is disturbing, the most detailed diagnosis is made.
Based on the results of the initial examination, your doctor may refer you for further diagnostic procedures. These include the appointment for blood and urine tests, ultrasound examination, MRI, x-ray, tomogram, cardiogram, electroneurogram. The results of these procedures are important in answering the question of how to treat pain in the neck and neck area.
Treatment of cervical pain
A specialist, after the patient has undergone all diagnostic procedures, can tell how to get rid of neck pain. You should not self-medicate, as pain can have different etiologies, and treatment approaches will also be different.

A neurologist or physiotherapist prescribes treatment for the cervical spine. These specialists can refer you to a chiropractor if needed. It is usually recommended to take a course of medication, physiotherapy and massage. If the neck hurts a lot and treatment with drugs, physiotherapy and massage does not help, an operation is performed.
Non-surgical treatment
To quickly and effectively relieve pain in the cervical spine, treatment must be comprehensive. Usually, the patient is prescribed the following non-surgical treatment of cervical spine pain:
- pharmacological therapy;
- orthopedic methods;
- reflexology;
- ultrasound therapy;
- laser therapy;
- therapeutic massage, osteopathy;
- Physiotherapy.
Drug therapy is treatment with ointments, tablets, injections. It aims to eliminate pain and associated unpleasant symptoms.
If severe pain in the neck is caused by osteochondrosis, muscle relaxants are prescribed in addition to painkillers. In severe conditions, when it comes to acute neck pain, corticosteroids may be prescribed.
If it is a severe pain in the neck, blocks are used to relieve the symptom.

Orthopedic methods involve the use of a collar. Its fixation can be soft or hard. More often, such treatment is prescribed when the neck constantly hurts or injuries have been received.
If, at the end of the course of treatment, preventive measures are not continued, neck pain, both in adults and in children, can occur again.
Reflexology is an electric shock for pain in the cervical spine. Assign ordinary acupuncture and electroacupuncture.
The effect of ultrasound has an antispasmodic effect if the neck muscles ache, and during phonophoresis the effect of the drug increases several times.
Laser therapy has a calming effect on the inflamed skin area. If the neck hurts, a qualified specialist will explain how to treat this method.
Also, if the neck hurts from the side, left or right, a massage will be helpful. Therapeutic massage is recommended at least twice a year. This procedure relieves stress and eliminates some of the causes of the unpleasant symptom.
Physiotherapy exercises (physical therapy) are aimed at the correct distribution of the load during pain in the cervical spine. In addition, there is stretching and increased mobility of some muscle groups.
In addition to official medications to relieve neck symptoms, informal medicine can also be used to treat the back of the head and the rest of the cervical region.
Treatment with surgery
There are times when it is impossible to do without surgery. How is neck pain treated in this case? Operable situations include hernias, compression of the spinal cord or spinal roots, and mechanical injury.
The operation comes down to the fact that the areas of the vertebrae that interfere with the normal functioning and work of the spinal cord are simply removed. In some cases it is possible to perform an operation using a laser.
The operation can lead to complications or accidents, so doctors initially try different treatments.
It is important to know that the doctor will offer an operative way to solve the problem only when he sees that other methods will not bring a positive result. For this reason, treatment cannot be postponed for long, especially if the disease is detected at an early stage.
To exclude such a cause of neck pain as inactivity and being in an uncomfortable position, it is recommended to perform self-massage. How to treat neck pain with this method will be advised by a massage therapist or other specialist who has been contacted for neck pain.
Light exercise during working hours will be helpful. You need to take regular breaks to get your neck muscles back into function. With an incorrect position or tension for a long time, pain in the cervical spine can occur.

A sleeping pillow and mattress must be orthopedic. They will relieve the stress on the spine during the day.
Massaging twice a year will reduce the likelihood of going to the doctor for neck pain. A professional massage therapist can remove the cause of chronic neck pain on the right, front and left during the course.
To exclude serious diseases, it is necessary to determine why the neck can hurt. It is important to keep the neck warm, it is necessary to protect it from drafts. Observance of correct posture will not be superfluous, especially for children.