There was a time when the disease was considered "age related", but recently it is increasingly being diagnosed with "osteochondrosis" up to the age of 35. This is due to a change in the rhythm of life: more people are involved in sedentary and sedentary work. And most importantly, physical activity, flexibility decreases, and as a result, blood circulation is impaired, which is the main thing in nutrition and restoration of the spinal discs.
An interesting fact: according to statistics, more than 80% of the population, after 30 years, has changes in the spine, to a greater or lesser extent.
Osteochondrosis is the generic name of the aging of the spine. The process is directly related to changes in the structure of the vertebrae and discs. Under the influence of internal and external factors, the discs become thinner. Appears: protrusions, hernias, instability of the vertebrae, changes in bone tissue, the appearance of osteophytes (spines, growths). And all these phenomena are complications of osteochondrosis. The course is chronic and without the absence of complex therapies makes further normal life very difficult.
You are probably familiar with the factors that cause dystrophic changes, but we note again:
- Hypodynamia - contributes to disruption of blood circulation in the neck, weakening of the muscle corset.
- Curvature of the spine (curvature, lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis).
- Long stay in static positions and vice versa: increasing loads and lifting weights.
- Injuries.
- Overweight, pregnancy.
- Heredity, metabolic disturbances.
Man is the only creature on the planet suffering from cervical spine problems. This is due to our ability to walk fully upright, as well as muscle weakness and great neck mobility.
An important role in the formation of cervical osteochondrosis has a hereditary predisposition. Also, it is not necessary for relatives to have osteochondrosis. The risk zone includes people with a family history of degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the osteoarticular system (osteoarthritis, spondylitis, hernias, etc. ).
The neck is an important link. Many vessels and nerves pass through it to the brain. Problems in this part of the body will certainly affect the blood circulation in the brain and the work of the upper part - shoulders, arms. Degeneration develops gradually, with an increase.
Stages of development of cervical osteochondrosis
In the first stage, there is a local pain syndrome, accompanied by a strong tension in the muscles, which increases the already unpleasant sensations, limits movements.
Pain is expressed in 2 forms:
- Cervicago - "low back pain of the neck", a sharp, sharp pain that appears during movement.
- Neck pain: pulling, painful, with constant muscle tension. It can take more than two weeks, even with the right treatment.
In the second phase the "radicular" syndrome is added: compression of the nerves due to the thinning of the ligaments and discs. Pain appears when sneezing, coughing. If the patient is lying on his back and passively moves his head, painful sensations will appear.
Numbness of the hand from the neck to the fingertips is characteristic, especially after sleep. The symptom disappears quickly after active movements or after placing the hand behind the head. If numbness or pain persists, complications (protrusion, hernia) can form.
Also, there may be a feeling of "freezing" in the shoulder with the appearance of "shoulder-hand" syndrome - when arthritis of the shoulders and hands begins due to circulatory disorders in osteochondrosis.
Main symptoms
The main symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include:
- Headache and dizziness.
- Localized pain, as well as possible irradiation to the shoulder, occiput or scapula (especially the adhesion of the cervico-thoracic region).
- Numbness and weakness in the arms.
- Knot in the throat.
- High blood pressure (constantly high blood pressure).
- Decreased hearing and visual acuity, tinnitus (development of vertebral artery syndrome).
Interesting: changes in the disease affect important vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain. In patients with chondrosis, there may be a "Sistine Chapel" syndrome - fainting after a sharp backward toss of the head.
The pains and their localization are often masked by a serious disease: angina pectoris.
Diagnostics and treatment
It is very important to treat the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at the onset of degenerative processes. To do this, you need to promptly seek the help of a neurologist or vertebrologist. But practice shows that they seek help, already with complications: protrusion, hernia, instability of the vertebral bodies.
The patient should be carefully examined: ultrasound of the heart, blood vessels of the brain and neck, ECG, urine collection and blood analysis. It is imperative that an x-ray be taken, and in multiple projections and in a stack with the mouth open (to visualize the vertebrae covering the teeth).
Unfortunately, doctors under the diagnosis of osteochondrosis fix many diseases, since there is no time, experience, desire to identify the cause of this or that symptom. A treatment is prescribed that brings temporary relief, but the real cause remains unnoticed, over time everything comes back or brings no relief. It is this situation that causes people to medicate themselves.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Therapy should be as comprehensive as possible.
- Physiotherapy.
- Drug therapy.
- Massage.
- Physiotherapy.
- Stretch.
- Lengthening of the cervical spine according to the Shishonin method.
- Let go of habits.
The effectiveness of treating osteochondrosis of the neck of the spine with the help of physiotherapy and therapeutic baths has been scientifically proven.
- Relieves pain syndrome.
- Eliminates inflammation.
- Increases the effectiveness of drug therapy and other methods of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
The therapeutic effect of physiotherapy in the form of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic therapy in combination with radon baths, sometimes with bromine-iodine baths, is enhanced.
Drug therapy
In case of complications of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine, hernias or large protuberances, inflammation of the compressed nerve roots occurs. Therefore, in order to relieve the inflammatory symptom and stop the pain, it is necessary to pierce the course of intramuscular injections of vitamins - B1, B6, B12. Also, with impaired blood circulation, the viscosity of the blood increases, which cuts off the blood supply to the brain with oxygen. It is necessary to take antiplatelet agents.
Pharmacological therapy.
- Eliminates pain and inflammation.
- Speeds up metabolism in tissues that have been damaged due to insufficient blood supply.
- Thins the blood, improving blood circulation.
The course of massage of the neck area is necessarily included in the treatment program for osteochondrosis of the neck.
- Muscle tension is relieved, thereby releasing pinched arteries in close proximity.
- Improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, which has a positive effect on the heart and brain.
- Muscle pains are reduced.
Unfortunately, a good massage is not done for free and many refuse this procedure due to the high prices. But in the medical complex, cervical spine massage must be included for the sake of the case. Although they advise that it is not necessary as physiotherapy exercises.
Physiotherapy exercises
Treatment of osteochondrosis by physical therapy of the cervical spine is the main method, without which recovery is impossible. No pill can cure osteochondrosis without physical therapy. Tune in to the fact that you need to do gymnastics every day for a whole year to forget about the symptoms of the disease forever.
Important: Physical therapy is a 70% win over osteochondrosis. Even though the pains have disappeared, the disease has not disappeared anywhere. You can't relax.
Goals and objectives of physical therapy.
- Strengthen the deep muscles of the neck and the muscular corset of the shoulder region, so that the muscles hold the head in the correct position, without stress on the intervertebral discs and no protrusions forming that crush the nerve endings. To increase the intervertebral space, thereby eliminating the compression of the nerve roots.
- Brings back painless movements by developing flexibility and mobility.
- Exercise accelerates and increases blood circulation, thereby improving the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and surrounding muscles.
Important: Practice doing a set of exercises 3 times a day for the first 4 weeks, then 1 time a day for a year.
Exercises for the neck
Before doing any exercise, you need to warm up your muscles.
We warm up the muscles of the chest and cervical spine. Slow circular movements with the shoulders - back and forth. Each muscle should work as much as possible.

Circular movements with the shoulders: lift as much as possible, bring it back, down and then forward. When we pull back, we bring the shoulder blades together. And the same circles with each shoulder in turn.
Add the arms and repeat the movements with the arms bent at the elbows. One by one, we will bring the shoulder blades together again as we take the hands back. And then we will also move our shoulders as far forward as possible.
This ends the warm-up. Let's start by doing some basic neck exercises.
Exercise technique
Do all movements slowly, so as not to hurt yourself and prevent pinching of the nerve.
Get into a correct posture. The shoulders are lowered, slightly extended, the chin is parallel to the floor. Static exercises aim to train the deep muscles of the neck. Each movement holds the resistance for 5-8 seconds. Loosen for two seconds and repeat again. So 5 times.
- We press the palm on the temple and press on it trying to bend the head, we resist with our head, thus preventing the hand from tilting the head to the side. Do the same on the other side.
- Place your hands on the lock, support your chin and press on the sturdy head.
- We resist with our foreheads.
- From the back of the head
- Alternatively, the head resists the cheekbones

In addition to strengthening the neck muscles, it is necessary to strengthen the shoulder girdle at the same time. Several exercises with an expander should be included in the treatment complex 2-3 times a week.
Additional loading
Exercise in the form of running, brisk walking, swimming, aerobics will improve the general blood circulation in the body. Mainly due to the poor blood supply, the brain suffers, which needs oxygen for the problems of the cervical spine. Workouts last at least 20-30 minutes, up to 2 times a week.
Dry traction of the cervical spine
The dry stretch method is horizontal and vertical. This method is called traction, a highly effective treatment for osteochondrosis of the spine. Juveniles are easily likely to complete recovery, using only a traction during treatment. Since the recovery of discs in youth is much faster. Of course, age inhibits recovery and the ability to restore cartilage tissue, but traction still remains an important point in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck.
Stretching Issues
- Increases the lumen between the vertebrae.
- Eliminates pain due to nerve root compression.
This procedure has contraindications, so do not perform it without consulting your doctor. Previously, this method was practiced only in hospitals, sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers.

The stretching technique is now available at home using a treatment collar. The pulling session lasts 15 minutes a day.
We have analyzed the entire treatment program for the cervical spine, it remains to talk about the usual way of life, which should also change in perfect order.
Important: All of the above methods should be discussed with your doctor.
Let go of habits
We understand that laziness and apologies lead to early osteochondrosis. If you don't pass them, you don't need this article. Drink painkillers and continue living as before. Although you can try to correct some bad habits.
- Sleep on an orthopedic pillow and mattress.
- Don't lie on a high pillow for hours, when your head is raised high while reading, playing on the phone. At this point, the cervical vertebrae press on the blood vessels, cutting off blood circulation.
- Stationary computer posture when there is no control over time. Set your alarm every hour to warm up your stiff neck muscles.
- Move more: sports games, outdoor activities, take 10, 000 steps a day.
Course procedures: injections, massage and physiotherapy are performed 1 month every six months. During this period, physiotherapy exercises increase up to 3 times a day.
In the other months every day:
- Physical therapy - 1 time per day.
- Stretch.
Repeat the procedures after 5 months. And this rate is at least one year. Positive results are evident within a month.
The above technique is not an algorithm for all cases of cervical osteochondrosis treatment. All points must be discussed with a doctor. But if the doctor prescribes only one method, for example, physiotherapy, massage, the effect will be temporary. The treatment is long, so it is best to immediately tune in to the success of the recovery. Believe me, you will not go back to your old way of life by starting to practice and feeling relief.
How cervical osteochondrosis is treated
Several groups of drugs are prescribed for basic drug treatment.
- Painkillers are prescribed in tablets or for particularly severe pain, novocaine blockade.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nurofen, Diclofenac.
- Irritating ointments - finalgon, capsicam.
- Preparations to relax the neck muscles - muscle relaxants.
- A cycle of intramuscular injections of vitamin B
During the period of relief of the main pain syndrome, support is prescribed by means of currents, massage, warming (cans, mustard plasters). During the period of exacerbation, pain always appears, to relieve them, as well as muscle tension, the physical therapy complex presented above is performed, apply a cheap pepper patch.
Important: any exercise with rotation of the head is prohibited in case of vertebral artery syndrome, when the vessels of the neck are pinched due to osteochondrosis.
At home it is effective to take relaxing baths with herbal decoctions, compresses and rubbing (for example, using propolis, aloe). The Russian bath tolerates muscle tension well. A traditional Turkish bath with a broom relaxes, reduces pain and cheers up.
In extreme cases, surgical intervention is necessary, when there is a danger that complications from compression could lead to disability. Namely: complete compression of blood vessels or nerves, significant growth of osteophytes or the appearance of a hernial protrusion. The operation is carried out according to all the rules of neurosurgery - under the microscope and with minimal incisions.