As if a verdict for many patients sounds like a diagnosis such as osteochondrosis. Excruciating back pain, reduced mobility and disability - all of which can significantly disrupt the normal cycle of life.

Doctors assure that effective drugs will only temporarily eliminate the manifestations of osteochondrosis, which is not a bright prospect for patients.
And then patients get acquainted with the unique medical complexes of specialists, which guarantee a quick recovery with almost 100% probability.
But if these methods don't help, you have to resort to alternative treatment methods. Below we will consider the secrets of traditional medicine, how to treat osteochondrosis at home.
Why traditional medicine
In the early 18th century, traditional medicine was an integral part of traditional approaches to treatment. Despite the fact that these directions were divided, valuable recipes have survived to this day.
Traditional medicine is a large area of knowledge used for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
Types of folk remedies for osteochondrosis:
- infusions, decoctions, tinctures (used internally, in the form of compresses, rubbing, etc. );
- ointments (for skin use);
- applications;
- hydrotherapy (bath, sauna, baths);
- breathing exercises.

There are dozens of different methods of alternative treatment for osteochondrosis, but not all of them are effective. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting therapy.
Alternative treatment is very popular among patients, as it does not require high costs and also provides a good effect.
This is not surprising, because most expensive drug preparations are made from the same plants as folk remedies.
Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of osteochondrosis
Despite the fact that a lot of information about the causes and mechanisms of the development of osteochondrosis was not known to our ancestors, they managed to find effective recipes for the treatment of this disease, which have survived to this day.
Horseradish leaves for osteochondrosis
One of the most striking plants in folk medicine is horseradish. Most often, its leaves are used for the preparation of various compresses, rubs and tinctures. Contains a large number of biologically active substances that have a distracting and anti-inflammatory effect.

For example, fresh horseradish leaves dipped in hot water for 5 minutes are most often used. They are applied to the pain site and the wrapping paper is placed on top. The loin is wrapped in a belt or any fabric.
Herbs for the treatment of osteochondrosis
There are tens of thousands of medicinal plants, each of which is used for specific medicinal purposes.
For the folk treatment of osteochondrosis, St. John's wort, millennial, thyme, tansy, and so on are often used.
Folk recipes for the treatment of osteochondrosis at home:
- Infusion of a series (for all diseases of the musculoskeletal system). It is necessary to pour 200 ml of boiling water 15 g of grass, then insist 10 hours. Take 3 teaspoons before meals;
- Millennial infusion. Add 10g of millennial herb to a glass and fill it with hot water, then steep for 40 minutes and strain. Has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect (2 teaspoons 3 times a day);
- Healing compress. Take the herbs of thyme, chamomile, elderberry and chamomile in equal proportions. They need to be poured with 150 ml of water, then insist 2 hours in a dark place. Several layers of gauze are impregnated with this mixture and applied to the affected area, wrapped in compressed paper and a warm cloth;
- Tincture of St. John's wort. For the preparation, you will need 10 g of weed and 100 ml of vodka. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 7 days. St. John's wort contains a large amount of tannins, anti-inflammatory and tonic substances. It also contains vitamins of group B and C. The tincture is applied 30 drops orally before meals.
Treatment of osteochondrosis with laurel
Special attention should be paid to bay leaf, which contains a large amount of vitamins and phytoncides.
Most often it is used as part of various ointments, used for the preparation of compresses and rubbing.
Folk recipes:
- Laurel ointment.To prepare this product you will need 1 g of juniper needles and 6 g of bay leaves. The ingredients are carefully ground and butter is added to this mixture. The product is rubbed on the affected area;
- Warming compress.You need to take 10 g of bay leaf, then crush it into powder, then add 50 g of alcohol and leave the product to infuse for 5 days. Wet several layers of gauze in the dye, attach the compressed paper and wrap in a warm cloth.
Rubbing for osteochondrosis
The most effective in traditional medicine are the means and methods that are applied directly to the affected area. Various rubs have an excellent effect on osteochondrosis.

It can be various ointments, tinctures and other products that are rubbed into the skin. The methods are ideal for treating osteochondrosis of the shoulder at home.
Folk recipes:
- Take 50 g of vodka, 100 g of honey and 100 g of chopped radish. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed and infused for 2 days. The product is applied to the skin in the form of rubbing (for 14 days, 2 times a day);
- Fir oil, which is often used for osteochondrosis, has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
- Finely chop the garlic and put it with the combustible pork fat (1: 2). The product is rubbed several times a day for a week.
Treatment of osteochondrosis with gelatin
Gelatin is a source of amino acids, from which collagen is subsequently synthesized in our body. This remedy is used to treat a wide range of degenerative diseases, including osteochondrosis. Gelatin is consumed with warm water or orange juice. It is necessary to dilute 5 g of gelatin in 100 g of water (use 2 times a day for a month).
According to experts, this method allows you to defeat osteochondrosis on your own.
Hydrotherapy for osteochondrosis
Since ancient times, people have noticed the healing properties of water. It can have a positive effect on energy, take disease upon itself, and take life where it wasn't before.

This is what the methods underlying hydrotherapy are based on:
- Bath and sauna for osteochondrosis.Often patients are concerned about whether it is possible to take a steam bath in case of osteochondrosis. Leading experts say this can be done, but if the disease is in remission. This method improves blood circulation, accelerates the outflow of decomposition products and strengthens the immune system in general;
- Hot baths.In addition to the effects of hot water, various herbs and medicines have positive properties in such baths. For example, salt baths (2. 5 kg of sea salt) are very popular. Oak, turpentine and prefabricated bathrooms are also very effective. These procedures warm the skin, thereby improving the release of active substances;
- Hydromassage.This method is based on the effect of water flows on the body. The procedure can be performed at home using special devices for the treatment of osteochondrosis (hydromassage baths). During the massage, the muscle fibers are relaxed as much as possible, which improves hemodynamics at the injury site.
In addition, banks, various conspiracies, prayers and other methods are very popular.
But the most important thing in treatment is motivation and a positive attitude, because otherwise osteochondrosis cannot be removed even by a well-known healer.